Attaining the Psychology of Dwelling
Designing and Implementing Domestic Spaces at The Intersection of Essence and Architecture
For Toner, architecture is a practice as much social as it is technical and design related in nature. Toner, adopting the idea of designing “in collaboration with” instead of “against” the client, believes that a project has no way to succeed unless the design process is open to the input of the client. This apprehension is where architecture is established as a social discipline. The project starts with “understanding the needs of the client” akin to a form of “psychoanalysis”. Toner’s stance on its clients’ style of life and their environment is most apparent in dwelling design where architectural demands are at the height of their “individuality”.
The dwelling architecture Toner creates, from the concept to pre-planning and from the design process to construction, is an example of creating by living, as well as building for living. Shaping spaces that are created for the demands, conditions and lifestyles of the age they were built in into the contemporary forms of our day, the Toner team designs long lasting spaces in which the comfort and satisfaction of the user attains the highest level of priority.